Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

God calls for language - cultivating turn good luck (greed - hatred - crazy)!

God calls for language - cultivating turn good luck (greed - hatred - crazy)!上苍呼唤的语言-修心转好运(贪-嗔-痴)! Acute practice the word that greedy entrepreneur Mo seek speed to avoid cash flow problems including charge, business growth to slow to just run up and repair acute especially in gambling, where gambling will Cheating, who must solve the violence, if the goodness love bet will lose but not good newspaper, do not spend more than good luck fantasy. Day as impractical fantasy bet will not itchy serious fortune poor, there must be alternately possessed by demons should recite in order to avoid fierce guitar drive. ------------ Aversion in the impulse of self-cultivation with conversation, not impulsive temper tantrums, and gas can only make money, do not make a speech criticizing others, speech sounds nice nice pick-speaking, non-possession of mind, anyone can post high on shouting and cheering on the right, do not own prejudices roots people debate as to admit wrong not to argue, in order to avoid more debates black, do not debate what should be self-righteous, to emulate the economic well-known without speaking of the spirit in order to avoid fierce guitar drive, for ho no interests root things people argue about face death also caused fear debate eventually lose scourge, this dead serious about face whoever should have possessed evil Buddha can only drive Kyrgyzstan. ------------------- Crazy in the sense of self-cultivation, the human most boastful, disobedient to use common sense do not fascinated. Do not fall wishful thinking God gift, crazy self-cultivation listen listen purpose then judge the true and false. Any other purpose is not genuine can not be determined simply let time prove everything, do not impulse to show off, love-hyun will be the target criminals, not to escape life in their own lies deceive castle obsession insisted justify every fantasy come affairs better, going I want people thinking in order to prevent self-defeating in advance, the day on their life must be a lie to justify evil castle possessed, if there are Buddhas hard luck. -------------------- I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

God calls for language - cultivating turn good luck (greed - hatred - crazy)!

God calls for language - cultivating turn good luck (greed - hatred - crazy)!上苍呼唤的语言-修心转好运(贪-嗔-痴)! Acute practice the word that greedy entrepreneur Mo seek speed to avoid cash flow problems including charge, business growth to slow to just run up and repair acute especially in gambling, where gambling will Cheating, who must solve the violence, if the goodness love bet will lose but not good newspaper, do not spend more than good luck fantasy. Day as impractical fantasy bet will not itchy serious fortune poor, there must be alternately possessed by demons should recite in order to avoid fierce guitar drive. ------------ Aversion in the impulse of self-cultivation with conversation, not impulsive temper tantrums, and gas can only make money, do not make a speech criticizing others, speech sounds nice nice pick-speaking, non-possession of mind, anyone can post high on shouting and cheering on the right, do not own prejudices roots people debate as to admit wrong not to argue, in order to avoid more debates black, do not debate what should be self-righteous, to emulate the economic well-known without speaking of the spirit in order to avoid fierce guitar drive, for ho no interests root things people argue about face death also caused fear debate eventually lose scourge, this dead serious about face whoever should have possessed evil Buddha can only drive Kyrgyzstan. ------------------- Crazy in the sense of self-cultivation, the human most boastful, disobedient to use common sense do not fascinated. Do not fall wishful thinking God gift, crazy self-cultivation listen listen purpose then judge the true and false. Any other purpose is not genuine can not be determined simply let time prove everything, do not impulse to show off, love-hyun will be the target criminals, not to escape life in their own lies deceive castle obsession insisted justify every fantasy come affairs better, going I want people thinking in order to prevent self-defeating in advance, the day on their life must be a lie to justify evil castle possessed, if there are Buddhas hard luck. -------------------- I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

China Taiwan Buddhist monk predicted tsunami website - China's reunification after the tsunami in Manila!

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war! -----------------------马尼拉海啸后中国与台湾统一且第三次世界大战开战!--China Taiwan Buddhist monk predicted tsunami website - China's reunification after the tsunami in Manila!中國台灣佛教出家人海嘯預言網站-馬尼拉海嘯後中國統一! Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami ---------------------台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一 Zadok the priest prophecy China 2015 Taiwan earthquake, Philippines - Taiwan monks prophecy Manila Trench 2011 Taiwan earthquake tsunami and widely leaflets dear mainland compatriots EXECUTIVE hello:! strait is about reunification, Taiwan compatriots lifetimes turtle eat turtle Bi debt owed to the end, no longer have to fight for the interests of the US Pacific country was unified operation but died before the approaching disaster in the Strait. Fujian Province and neighboring regions across the Taiwan region and we will feel the same degree earthquake, the earthquake comes, please timing, shaking more than 3 points regarded as the main shock clock to please high mountain escape when the building might be a tsunami washed away! and be quick because the tsunami flooded to Manila (Shantou, Shanwei * * * Taizhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou * * * Maoming, Yangjiang Wanning * * * Wenzhou seaport) and other coastal city may be less than one hour - this is the time to tell you escape plot merit addition to doing good Hainan Island coastal Guangdong Province were affected by the tsunami threat,North of Shanghai, although not a threat but a tsunami that day do not go to the beach .-- Except Flyer scientific data, the ancient Chinese and Western Bible Code Tui Bei Tu Bowen astrology are named Most Recent likely about 10 meters high 30-storey . 500 km of high speed wavelength-breaking 200 km Manila tsunami watch the best omen before the earthquake - tsunami in Japan two days before the earthquake six six (early escape as a reference) (especially in Taitung, Pingtung County in southern Taiwan or Luzon together with the adjacent northern waters event of an earthquake more than six consecutive days, please mention head inland to escape) Child plus !! shock Arctic climate chaos this year, more rain in southern China and even explosive volcanic earthquakes are frequent signs also precursory ! Taiwan Buddhist monk stray photo Sincerely, AD 2015-1208 台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一--------------------- 撒督牧师2015预言中国台湾菲律宾大地震-台湾出家人2011预言马尼拉海沟地震台湾海啸并广发传单! 亲爱的祖国大陆同胞长官你好: 两岸即将统一,台湾同胞累世吃龟鼊欠龟债结束,再也不用为美国太平洋利益对抗祖国被操死.但统一前天灾将至,在海峡对岸的福建省及邻近地区与我们台湾地区将同感地震震度,地震来临时请计时,摇晃时间超过3分视为主震钟请往山区高处逃命海啸时大楼可能会被冲垮!并且动作要快因为马尼拉海啸淹至(汕头*汕尾*厦门*泉州*台州*茂名*万宁*阳江*温州*海口)等临海都市可能不到1小时-这是逃命时间要告诉大家做善事积功德.除此海南岛广东省沿海都受海啸威胁,上海以北虽然威胁不大但海啸当日千万别去海边.--除传单科学数据外,中国古代刘伯温推背图与西洋圣经密码占星术都指名最近期可能发生高30公尺约十层楼高波长500公里时速破200公里的马尼拉海啸.最好留意前震预兆-日本海啸前两天六次六级强震(作为提前逃命参考)(尤其是南台湾台东县屏东县或吕宋岛北部连同邻近海域若发生一日内连续六级以上强震,请提前往内陆逃跑)!!圣婴加上北极震荡今年气候大乱,华南地区雨多及火山连爆是频繁地震征兆也是强震前兆! 台湾佛教流浪僧法照敬上 西元2015-1208

Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war! -----------------------马尼拉海啸后中国与台湾统一且第三次世界大战开战!-- Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami ---------------------台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一 Zadok the priest prophecy China 2015 Taiwan earthquake, Philippines - Taiwan monks prophecy Manila Trench 2011 Taiwan earthquake tsunami and widely leaflets dear mainland compatriots EXECUTIVE hello:! strait is about reunification, Taiwan compatriots lifetimes turtle eat turtle Bi debt owed to the end, no longer have to fight for the interests of the US Pacific country was unified operation but died before the approaching disaster in the Strait. Fujian Province and neighboring regions across the Taiwan region and we will feel the same degree earthquake, the earthquake comes, please timing, shaking more than 3 points regarded as the main shock clock to please high mountain escape when the building might be a tsunami washed away! and be quick because the tsunami flooded to Manila (Shantou, Shanwei * * * Taizhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou * * * Maoming, Yangjiang Wanning * * * Wenzhou seaport) and other coastal city may be less than one hour - this is the time to tell you escape plot merit addition to doing good Hainan Island coastal Guangdong Province were affected by the tsunami threat,North of Shanghai, although not a threat but a tsunami that day do not go to the beach .-- Except Flyer scientific data, the ancient Chinese and Western Bible Code Tui Bei Tu Bowen astrology are named Most Recent likely about 10 meters high 30-storey . 500 km of high speed wavelength-breaking 200 km Manila tsunami watch the best omen before the earthquake - tsunami in Japan two days before the earthquake six six (early escape as a reference) (especially in Taitung, Pingtung County in southern Taiwan or Luzon together with the adjacent northern waters event of an earthquake more than six consecutive days, please mention head inland to escape) Child plus !! shock Arctic climate chaos this year, more rain in southern China and even explosive volcanic earthquakes are frequent signs also precursory ! Taiwan Buddhist monk stray photo Sincerely, AD 2015-1208 台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一--------------------- 撒督牧师2015预言中国台湾菲律宾大地震-台湾出家人2011预言马尼拉海沟地震台湾海啸并广发传单! 亲爱的祖国大陆同胞长官你好: 两岸即将统一,台湾同胞累世吃龟鼊欠龟债结束,再也不用为美国太平洋利益对抗祖国被操死.但统一前天灾将至,在海峡对岸的福建省及邻近地区与我们台湾地区将同感地震震度,地震来临时请计时,摇晃时间超过3分视为主震钟请往山区高处逃命海啸时大楼可能会被冲垮!并且动作要快因为马尼拉海啸淹至(汕头*汕尾*厦门*泉州*台州*茂名*万宁*阳江*温州*海口)等临海都市可能不到1小时-这是逃命时间要告诉大家做善事积功德.除此海南岛广东省沿海都受海啸威胁,上海以北虽然威胁不大但海啸当日千万别去海边.--除传单科学数据外,中国古代刘伯温推背图与西洋圣经密码占星术都指名最近期可能发生高30公尺约十层楼高波长500公里时速破200公里的马尼拉海啸.最好留意前震预兆-日本海啸前两天六次六级强震(作为提前逃命参考)(尤其是南台湾台东县屏东县或吕宋岛北部连同邻近海域若发生一日内连续六级以上强震,请提前往内陆逃跑)!!圣婴加上北极震荡今年气候大乱,华南地区雨多及火山连爆是频繁地震征兆也是强震前兆! 台湾佛教流浪僧法照敬上 西元2015-1208

Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war! -----------------------马尼拉海啸后中国与台湾统一且第三次世界大战开战!-- Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami ---------------------台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一 Zadok the priest prophecy China 2015 Taiwan earthquake, Philippines - Taiwan monks prophecy Manila Trench 2011 Taiwan earthquake tsunami and widely leaflets dear mainland compatriots EXECUTIVE hello:! strait is about reunification, Taiwan compatriots lifetimes turtle eat turtle Bi debt owed to the end, no longer have to fight for the interests of the US Pacific country was unified operation but died before the approaching disaster in the Strait. Fujian Province and neighboring regions across the Taiwan region and we will feel the same degree earthquake, the earthquake comes, please timing, shaking more than 3 points regarded as the main shock clock to please high mountain escape when the building might be a tsunami washed away! and be quick because the tsunami flooded to Manila (Shantou, Shanwei * * * Taizhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou * * * Maoming, Yangjiang Wanning * * * Wenzhou seaport) and other coastal city may be less than one hour - this is the time to tell you escape plot merit addition to doing good Hainan Island coastal Guangdong Province were affected by the tsunami threat,North of Shanghai, although not a threat but a tsunami that day do not go to the beach .-- Except Flyer scientific data, the ancient Chinese and Western Bible Code Tui Bei Tu Bowen astrology are named Most Recent likely about 10 meters high 30-storey . 500 km of high speed wavelength-breaking 200 km Manila tsunami watch the best omen before the earthquake - tsunami in Japan two days before the earthquake six six (early escape as a reference) (especially in Taitung, Pingtung County in southern Taiwan or Luzon together with the adjacent northern waters event of an earthquake more than six consecutive days, please mention head inland to escape) Child plus !! shock Arctic climate chaos this year, more rain in southern China and even explosive volcanic earthquakes are frequent signs also precursory ! Taiwan Buddhist monk stray photo Sincerely, AD 2015-1208 台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一--------------------- 撒督牧师2015预言中国台湾菲律宾大地震-台湾出家人2011预言马尼拉海沟地震台湾海啸并广发传单! 亲爱的祖国大陆同胞长官你好: 两岸即将统一,台湾同胞累世吃龟鼊欠龟债结束,再也不用为美国太平洋利益对抗祖国被操死.但统一前天灾将至,在海峡对岸的福建省及邻近地区与我们台湾地区将同感地震震度,地震来临时请计时,摇晃时间超过3分视为主震钟请往山区高处逃命海啸时大楼可能会被冲垮!并且动作要快因为马尼拉海啸淹至(汕头*汕尾*厦门*泉州*台州*茂名*万宁*阳江*温州*海口)等临海都市可能不到1小时-这是逃命时间要告诉大家做善事积功德.除此海南岛广东省沿海都受海啸威胁,上海以北虽然威胁不大但海啸当日千万别去海边.--除传单科学数据外,中国古代刘伯温推背图与西洋圣经密码占星术都指名最近期可能发生高30公尺约十层楼高波长500公里时速破200公里的马尼拉海啸.最好留意前震预兆-日本海啸前两天六次六级强震(作为提前逃命参考)(尤其是南台湾台东县屏东县或吕宋岛北部连同邻近海域若发生一日内连续六级以上强震,请提前往内陆逃跑)!!圣婴加上北极震荡今年气候大乱,华南地区雨多及火山连爆是频繁地震征兆也是强震前兆! 台湾佛教流浪僧法照敬上 西元2015-1208

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war!

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war! -----------------------马尼拉海啸后中国与台湾统一且第三次世界大战开战!-- Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami ---------------------台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一 Zadok the priest prophecy China 2015 Taiwan earthquake, Philippines - Taiwan monks prophecy Manila Trench 2011 Taiwan earthquake tsunami and widely leaflets dear mainland compatriots EXECUTIVE hello:! strait is about reunification, Taiwan compatriots lifetimes turtle eat turtle Bi debt owed to the end, no longer have to fight for the interests of the US Pacific country was unified operation but died before the approaching disaster in the Strait. Fujian Province and neighboring regions across the Taiwan region and we will feel the same degree earthquake, the earthquake comes, please timing, shaking more than 3 points regarded as the main shock clock to please high mountain escape when the building might be a tsunami washed away! and be quick because the tsunami flooded to Manila (Shantou, Shanwei * * * Taizhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou * * * Maoming, Yangjiang Wanning * * * Wenzhou seaport) and other coastal city may be less than one hour - this is the time to tell you escape plot merit addition to doing good Hainan Island coastal Guangdong Province were affected by the tsunami threat,North of Shanghai, although not a threat but a tsunami that day do not go to the beach .-- Except Flyer scientific data, the ancient Chinese and Western Bible Code Tui Bei Tu Bowen astrology are named Most Recent likely about 10 meters high 30-storey . 500 km of high speed wavelength-breaking 200 km Manila tsunami watch the best omen before the earthquake - tsunami in Japan two days before the earthquake six six (early escape as a reference) (especially in Taitung, Pingtung County in southern Taiwan or Luzon together with the adjacent northern waters event of an earthquake more than six consecutive days, please mention head inland to escape) Child plus !! shock Arctic climate chaos this year, more rain in southern China and even explosive volcanic earthquakes are frequent signs also precursory ! Taiwan Buddhist monk stray photo Sincerely, AD 2015-1208 台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一--------------------- 撒督牧师2015预言中国台湾菲律宾大地震-台湾出家人2011预言马尼拉海沟地震台湾海啸并广发传单! 亲爱的祖国大陆同胞长官你好: 两岸即将统一,台湾同胞累世吃龟鼊欠龟债结束,再也不用为美国太平洋利益对抗祖国被操死.但统一前天灾将至,在海峡对岸的福建省及邻近地区与我们台湾地区将同感地震震度,地震来临时请计时,摇晃时间超过3分视为主震钟请往山区高处逃命海啸时大楼可能会被冲垮!并且动作要快因为马尼拉海啸淹至(汕头*汕尾*厦门*泉州*台州*茂名*万宁*阳江*温州*海口)等临海都市可能不到1小时-这是逃命时间要告诉大家做善事积功德.除此海南岛广东省沿海都受海啸威胁,上海以北虽然威胁不大但海啸当日千万别去海边.--除传单科学数据外,中国古代刘伯温推背图与西洋圣经密码占星术都指名最近期可能发生高30公尺约十层楼高波长500公里时速破200公里的马尼拉海啸.最好留意前震预兆-日本海啸前两天六次六级强震(作为提前逃命参考)(尤其是南台湾台东县屏东县或吕宋岛北部连同邻近海域若发生一日内连续六级以上强震,请提前往内陆逃跑)!!圣婴加上北极震荡今年气候大乱,华南地区雨多及火山连爆是频繁地震征兆也是强震前兆! 台湾佛教流浪僧法照敬上 西元2015-1208

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war!

After the tsunami Manila Chinese reunification with Taiwan and a third world war war! -----------------------马尼拉海啸后中国与台湾统一且第三次世界大战开战!-- Taiwan and mainland China will be unified by the tsunami ---------------------台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一 Zadok the priest prophecy China 2015 Taiwan earthquake, Philippines - Taiwan monks prophecy Manila Trench 2011 Taiwan earthquake tsunami and widely leaflets dear mainland compatriots EXECUTIVE hello:! strait is about reunification, Taiwan compatriots lifetimes turtle eat turtle Bi debt owed to the end, no longer have to fight for the interests of the US Pacific country was unified operation but died before the approaching disaster in the Strait. Fujian Province and neighboring regions across the Taiwan region and we will feel the same degree earthquake, the earthquake comes, please timing, shaking more than 3 points regarded as the main shock clock to please high mountain escape when the building might be a tsunami washed away! and be quick because the tsunami flooded to Manila (Shantou, Shanwei * * * Taizhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou * * * Maoming, Yangjiang Wanning * * * Wenzhou seaport) and other coastal city may be less than one hour - this is the time to tell you escape plot merit addition to doing good Hainan Island coastal Guangdong Province were affected by the tsunami threat,North of Shanghai, although not a threat but a tsunami that day do not go to the beach .-- Except Flyer scientific data, the ancient Chinese and Western Bible Code Tui Bei Tu Bowen astrology are named Most Recent likely about 10 meters high 30-storey . 500 km of high speed wavelength-breaking 200 km Manila tsunami watch the best omen before the earthquake - tsunami in Japan two days before the earthquake six six (early escape as a reference) (especially in Taitung, Pingtung County in southern Taiwan or Luzon together with the adjacent northern waters event of an earthquake more than six consecutive days, please mention head inland to escape) Child plus !! shock Arctic climate chaos this year, more rain in southern China and even explosive volcanic earthquakes are frequent signs also precursory ! Taiwan Buddhist monk stray photo Sincerely, AD 2015-1208 台湾与中国大陆将因海啸而统一--------------------- 撒督牧师2015预言中国台湾菲律宾大地震-台湾出家人2011预言马尼拉海沟地震台湾海啸并广发传单! 亲爱的祖国大陆同胞长官你好: 两岸即将统一,台湾同胞累世吃龟鼊欠龟债结束,再也不用为美国太平洋利益对抗祖国被操死.但统一前天灾将至,在海峡对岸的福建省及邻近地区与我们台湾地区将同感地震震度,地震来临时请计时,摇晃时间超过3分视为主震钟请往山区高处逃命海啸时大楼可能会被冲垮!并且动作要快因为马尼拉海啸淹至(汕头*汕尾*厦门*泉州*台州*茂名*万宁*阳江*温州*海口)等临海都市可能不到1小时-这是逃命时间要告诉大家做善事积功德.除此海南岛广东省沿海都受海啸威胁,上海以北虽然威胁不大但海啸当日千万别去海边.--除传单科学数据外,中国古代刘伯温推背图与西洋圣经密码占星术都指名最近期可能发生高30公尺约十层楼高波长500公里时速破200公里的马尼拉海啸.最好留意前震预兆-日本海啸前两天六次六级强震(作为提前逃命参考)(尤其是南台湾台东县屏东县或吕宋岛北部连同邻近海域若发生一日内连续六级以上强震,请提前往内陆逃跑)!!圣婴加上北极震荡今年气候大乱,华南地区雨多及火山连爆是频繁地震征兆也是强震前兆! 台湾佛教流浪僧法照敬上 西元2015-1208